“Hell begins on the day when God grants us a clear vision of all that we might have achieved, of all the gifts which we have wasted, of all that we might have done which we did not do.” 


This project was created by founders and supporters of the League of Gentlemen Adventures. For close to two decades now, the founding members of the League have traveled together… climbing mountains both figurative and literal, pushing limits of body and mind, sucking the marrow from life, indulging in the excesses of epicureanism, exploration and adventure. We believe the greatest tragedy of life is not that men die, but that some men never really live. All of us in our own way, at own times, made personal decisions that we would never find ourselves old and gray looking back on our lives with regret of what we failed to endeavor. We made that decision for ourselves, and then we found each other. And then, after a brotherhood forged by many miles of trail, much sweat and blood, and a bank of stories most people do not believe…we started to realize that we were not alone.

This site is meant to serve as a testament to our time and deeds in this life. It is meant as a celebration of the brotherhood of which we are a part, a brotherhood that has existed since the dawn of time.  It is also meant to serve as inspiration to all, to release your own inner adventurer and paint a masterpiece on your own tapestry of life.

Life in the League…is always intense.